Michelle’s role as Director of Clinical Excellence for Hamberley Care Homes and Inspire Neurocare is to lead and support the Quality Assurance team, and in turn the Home Managers, in directing and promoting continuous improvements in clinical governance, best practice and quality of care delivery across services. Through the Clinical Governance and Clinical Innovation and Best Practice Forums we strive to improve the quality of the resident’s experience and care outcomes and ensure compliance with internal and external quality standards.
Michelle is a highly skilled clinician with experience in healthcare within both the NHS and Independent sector. Her career started with achievement of a BSc in Physiotherapy in 1991 following which she commenced employment within Southampton General Hospital, gaining experience in a range of specialisms. Whilst there her interest in Neurology and Neurorehabilitation was nurtured and then enhanced by a year working in a Rehab centre in Chicago, with the opportunity to learn new skills. On return to the UK, she enhanced her expertise by assisting in developing the gait laboratory within the Neurorehab hospital and expanding her skills in biomechanical analysis, orthotics and spasticity management. She completed a masters level Injection Therapy course (2006) and Non-medical prescribing qualification (2008) at Coventry University and whilst working as a lead clinician in a regional specialist NHS hospital (Central England Rehabilitation Unit).
Since leaving the NHS in 2010 she has successfully commissioned and established a number of Neuro services (Hunters Moor in Birmingham and Badby Park Group), leading the teams and developing the facilities to become successful and award winning.
Michelle has been an invited speaker at International conferences (World Federation of Neurorehabilitation in Hong Kong and Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine in Queenstown, New Zealand) and many National conferences and she continues to be focused on promoting quality, best practice and continued learning. She also provides post-graduate training for healthcare professionals in her areas of expertise on a national basis.
In addition, Michelle is known as a Neurophysio specialist and acts in a Consultant capacity as an expert witness, advising in medico-legal cases.
Throughout all of her career, she been able to work with eminent Professors and leading clinicians and has many links with organisations in the healthcare field, including UKABIF, regional ABIF’s and INPA.
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