Linda Arksey

Linda has been a lecturer for NCORE since 2015, a Tai Chi Master and founder of the International Tai Chi Alliance (ITCA), an organisation dedicated to improving the quality of training of Tai Chi and Qigong for Health Care professionals. The UK representative of the International Medical Tai Chi and Qigong Association (iMTQA), Linda has taught Tai Chi and Qigong for over 35 years worldwide. An award winner of HRH The Prince of Wales Award for Integrated Approaches to Care 2017 using Tai Chi, currently Linda is collaborating with the Hanfei International Tai Chi Centre in Ningbo, China which has a prestigious Tai Chi heritage and links to Nottingham University.

Linda spent her early career following her dream of becoming an Olympic Ice Dancer. In parallel to this and to fund the Ice Dance training Linda pursued a career within Dentistry, before becoming more interested in Complementary Health. Currently Linda runs a busy Clinical Practice and at weekends teaches Tai Chi and Qigong.
Linda now dedicates and shares her knowledge of Tai Chi and Qigong for the benefit of others

Courses affiliated with this trainer:

  • Introduction to Tai Chi
  • Medical Qigong

  • Sue Armstrong
    Grad Dip Phys
    Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist
    Works in NHS, Private Practice and Post Graduate teaching
    Advanced Bobath Tutor, qualified as BBTA Tutor in 2007
    HCPC (PH37574) and CSP Member (46617)

    I teach all levels of BBTA courses extensively across the UK (currently increasing internationally). BBTA is an organisation of Tutors in the UK specialising in teaching neurological post graduate courses in the UK and overseas.

    Neurological rehabilitation has always been a focus in my career, since 2007 I have been a Clinical Director at Indigo Rehab Physiotherapy, a specialist private practice focused on rehabilitation of neurological clients.

    Since 2009 I have been a Clinical Lead (8a) Physiotherapist, this role is a Health Board wide and focused on complex clinical caseload, teaching and service development within Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (Line manager:

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • BBTA Clinical Reasoning and Systems Control Update
  • BBTA Focus on Rehabilitation of Hand Function in Rehabilitation
  • BBTA Bobath Modules 1-3

  • Indigo rehab Physiotherapy Practice
    Studio B,
    Treowen House,
    LLanover Business Centre,

    Telephone: 07775777808 or 01873880884
    Twitter: @indigorehab

    Marc Aureli Piqué Batalla
    MSc (Health Science Research) BSc (Physiotherapist) MCSP

    Marc graduated as a Physiotherapist from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain in 2011. In 2015, he took up a post as Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist In northern Italy to work in the Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation Centre.

    In 2018, Marc was awarded a Master of Science Degree in Health Science Research at Maastricht University in The Netherlands. His thesis focused on evaluating and characterizing changes in inter-joint coordination in post-stroke patients in collaboration with McGill University in Canada. Since 2019 Marc has been a Senior Physiotherapist in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Complex Cancer Late Effects services in Bath.

    Clinically, he has a strong background in the treatment of long-term complex conditions including neurological and chronic pain conditions, orthopaedics and post-cancer rehabilitation. His research interests focus on exploring the relationship between cognition, human movement and pain and he has been recently awarded a grant to study the effects of Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation in people living with CRPS. Academically, he recently took a position of Associate Lecturer at Cardiff University in collaborating with the development, delivery and evaluation of courses for BSc, Pre-registration MSc and MSc programs. He is Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation instructor recognized by the International Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation Association.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

    • FREE 2 HOUR VIRTUAL EVENT - The Bases of Sensory Retraining Methods for Motor Recovery an Introduction to Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation.
    • An overview to Cognitive Multisensory Rehabilitation: A sensorimotor approach for motor recovery in patients with neurological conditions.

    You can find Marc on Twitter (@PiqueBatalla)

    Tim Beames

    Based in London, Tim is a Principal NOI instructor, travelling globally to present courses and to consult on best practice in hospitals and clinics.

    Tim is the lead physiotherapist and co-founder of Pain and Performance – an organisation with a special interest in the treatment and education of people suffering complex and persistent pain states. He is also is the co-owner of Le Pub Scientifique – a live learning organisation/partnership delivering informal events about pain, health and wellbeing in London and Amsterdam.

    Tim has a Masters in Pain: Science and Society from King’s College London, has published book chapters and research on graded motor imagery and body perception, and has written and developed many postgraduate education courses for both Pain and Performance and NOI.

    James Blacknall
    BSc. (Hons), MSc. (Hons), PG Cert MSK ultrasound, IP - MCSP, HCPC

    James qualified as a physiotherapist from Keele University in 1998. Professionally, he has gained comprehensive clinical and managerial experience through his career structure to date, in the UK and abroad.

    He has been in his current role as an advanced practice shoulder and elbow physiotherapist for the last 5 years. This role sees James working alongside consultant colleagues in clinic assessing and managing the wide variety of patient referrals received from a number of sources. This role also sees James provide specialist physiotherapy to complex patients in the outpatient environment and utilise MSK ultrasound and injection therapy skills to assess and manage patients.

    James also provides specialist upper limb clinics for the musculoskeletal pathway in primary care as part of the local integrated care system.

    Prior to this he worked for fifteen years at the Nottingham Shoulder and Elbow Unit, the last eight years of which, as the physiotherapy team lead.

    James is an associate lecturer on the postgraduate musculoskeletal ultrasound program at Derby University and also sits on the education committee of the British Shoulder and Elbow Society as an AHP representative.

    James completed his MSc in sports medicine in 2008 at Nottingham University, while in 2016 completed a PG Cert in musculoskeletal ultrasound at Bournemouth University and in 2020 completed the nonmedical prescribing course at Sheffield Hallam University.

    James's expertise has seen him present work nationally at physiouk and internationally at the world shoulder congress in Brazil, Japan and South Korea. He has been fortunate enough to publish peer reviewed work on the shoulder and is currently a reviewer for the shoulder and elbow journal.

    Personally, James is a keen follower of sport and enjoys reading on a variety of subjects and travelling.

    Catherine Brown

    Catherine is a qualified barrister with 14 years' experience of civil law practice. Catherine specialised in personal injury, industrial disease and clinical negligence matters. She has had extensive experience of witness handling at trial, with both expert and lay witnesses. As one of the Bond Solon's lead trainer, Catherine regularly delivers healthcare records on trial courses to health clients and Witness Familiarisation sessions for lay and expert witnesses.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Healthcare Records on Trial

  • Debbie Cane
    BA, MSc, Senior Clinical Scientist, Lecturer in Audiology

    Debbie qualified as a Clinical Scientist in Audiology in 2003. She led the adult Diagnostic Audiovestibular Services at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust for 10 years before taking up an Audiology lectureship at Manchester University in October 2015.

    In her academic work she teaches at BSc, MSc and doctoral level as well as supervising Masters-level dissertations.

    In her clinical work her specialist area of interest is the rehabilitation of patients with persistent or episodic dizziness using CBT and mindfulness techniques. She is a qualified mindfulness teacher.

    Debbie is also interested in raising awareness of vestibular disorders in patients of all ages, and in optimizing pathways and resources for patient’s timely diagnosis and management.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:
    Introduction to Mindfulness as a Health Care Intervention

    Will Chegwidden
    BSc(OT)(Hons) MSc (Cognitive Rehabilitation)

    Will graduated with distinction as an Occupational Therapist from Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia in 1996 and worked initially for an equipment and environmental design charity before moving to the United Kingdom in 1998, where he worked as a Senior Occupational Therapist for Tower Hamlets Social Services with adults with disabilities.

    In 2002 he took up a post as the Senior Occupational Therapist for HIV and Immune Disorders at St Bartholomew’s Hospital where he remained until 2011. During this time he was involved in teaching on several undergraduate courses as well as presenting at a number of national and international conferences on different aspects of working with people with HIV. He was also the inaugural chair of the Rehabilitation and HIV Association.

    In 2011 he moved to the Royal London where he became the Senior OT for neurology and neurosurgery, before moving to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2013 where he completed rotations in neuromedicine and neuro critical care, the inpatient neuro-rehabilitation unit, the specialist intensive upper limb service and the acute and hyper acute stroke unit. During this time Will continued to teach on a number of external undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as running courses and workshops on cognitive rehabilitation, apraxia, functional splinting and upper limb rehabilitation.

    Will was awarded a Master of Science in Cognitive Rehabilitation from the University of Westminster in 2018 with distinction. His thesis related to adult acquired limb apraxia and he presented the results at the Royal College of Occupational Therapists annual conference in 2021.

    Since 2021 Will has been the Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist for Neurosciences at the Royal Free Hospital where he leads services in acute stroke, acute neurology and critical care. His research and teaching interests include apraxia, hemispatial inattention, visual rehabilitation after stroke, cognitive rehabilitation, splinting for function and rehabilitation of the upper limb. He has co-authored six peer reviewed papers, one book chapter and seventeen conference presentations. He is an active member of the Royal College of Occupational Therapy’s Specialist Section – Neurological Practice and is registered with Health and Social Care Professions Council.

    Dr Pauline Christmas
    PhD MSc MCSP Fellow APCP
    Consultant physiotherapist for management of spasticity in children

    Dr Pauline Christmas has a career as a physiotherapist specialising in children with cerebral palsy (CP) which extends over thirty-five years and she continues to work clinically. Since 2006 this has included practising as the only NHS consultant physiotherapist in the management of spasticity in children. This clinical expertise has been augmented by postgraduate training. In 2002 an MSc examined a screening tool for CP in the high-risk population and in 2016 a PhD investigated constraint induced movement therapy in hemiplegic cerebral palsy which was published in Clinical Rehabilitation in 2018. In recognition of an exceptional contribution to the advancement of paediatric physiotherapy a Fellowship of the Association of Paediatric Chartered Physiotherapists was awarded in 2019.

    The combined clinical experience and post-graduate training has enabled the development of a unique approach to the treatment and training in cerebral palsy called Evidence-based practical application. The training has been conducted primarily through the development of courses for therapists. Furthermore, there is an extensive portfolio of national and international presentations.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Evidence-Based Practical Application for the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy for Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists
  • Evidence-Based Practical Application for the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy for Therapy Assistants and Technicians

  • Carolyn Cleveland
    Founder and Managing Director of C&C Empathy Training
    BSc (Hons) Cert Counselling
    Specialism in Loss and bereavement

    Carolyn has a background in psychology, counselling, and conceived C&C Empathy Training from her direct experience of patient safety issues, compassionate communication failure, the inquest system and the NHS complaints process.

    Carolyn experienced the loss of a child and found many of these systems did not grasp her emotional experience, motivations or needs, following this tragic loss. This was apparent individually and culturally, feeding into staff behaviour and negatively impacting on outcomes and wellbeing for her and staff involved.

    Carolyn is passionate about promoting long term change through training and development by humanising processes and empowering staff to support themselves, colleagues, patients and loved ones, all done in a friendly and supportive learning environment using her unique LEED Communications Programme® and her BE HUMAN Model.

    Carolyn has been public speaking on emotions and empathy in real life situations since 2006, reaching diverse audiences, creating further insight into some of the more complex emotional needs of the people in the process and in vulnerable positions, as well as staff personal emotional responses.

    At the core of Carolyn’s work, is her thought provoking experience and personal journey, told with honesty and candour, valuing support and promotion of emotional awareness for staff to aid wellbeing. This is joined together with her academic study, analysis and personality, and her belief that understanding the ‘why’ something needs doing, rather than just ‘what’. This enables long term positive change and development, both individually and culturally. Carolyn works with multiple trusts, the Ministry of Justice, NHS England and the coronial system.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • A Journey through Complaints/Serious Incidents using Empathy
  • A Journey through Leadership using Empathy

  • Andrew Cuff
    BSc (Hons) MSc CMP MCSP
    Consultant Physiotherapist
    Associate Professor

    Andrew works as a Consultant Physiotherapist and national Head of MSK for Connect Health. This role involves a clinical caseload within community MSK (Tier 1 and Tier 2) alongside providing clinical leadership to sixteen MSK services across England.

    Alongside this clinical role, Andrew is an active researcher studying for a PhD at Manchester Metropolitan University and has published numerous articles in the Musculoskeletal domain and is a proud author for the Cochrane Bone, Joint and Muscle Trauma Group. In 2020, Andrew became a National Trainer of FCP/APs for HEE as per the roadmap to practice following this, in 2021, he was provided an honorary associate professorship at the University of Bradford, teaching on the postgraduate MSK and FCP programme.

    Andrew has presented his research at both national and international scientific meetings and conferences. Previously a Research Physiotherapist at the University of Warwick, Andrew has both taught and examined on the Orthopaedic component of the Medicine degree.

    Andrew sits on the board of the European Society of Shoulder & Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER) and is Chair of South-West Yorkshire Advanced Physiotherapy Practice Network.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Red Flags, Serious Spinal Pathology and Systems Thinking
  • The Complete Upper Limb

  • Yuval David
    BPT, Sports Physiotherapist, CMP, MCTA

    Yuval DAVID, completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from Tel Aviv University in 1991. Continued his formal education in Sport Physiotherapy, from Curtin University, West Australia in 1994.

    Working as a private practitioner and Director in Sport & Spine Physiotherapy, Israel. A clinic & post graduate education center in Sports & Orthopedic Physiotherapy. Acting as an invited Lecturer for undergraduate and master’s degree in the School of Physiotherapy of Ariel University. Wide experience in teaching of Anatomy as well as Evaluation and treatment of Orthopedic & Sport Disorders.

    As a clinician Yuval works with a wide scope of pain and orthopedic clients, spinal and peripheral. He served as the physiotherapist of the Israeli Men National Basketball team from 2001-2019. Escorted a professional contemporary and modern dance/ballet groups for many years, as well as various professional and amateur athletes.

    Yuval experience with the Mulligan concept started in 1995 when he was exposed to the concept during his post graduated studies. This was followed by a trip to visit Brian Mulligans clinic in New Zealand in 1995. The Mulligan concept has been since then an important part of his clinical daily practice. He was offered to join the Mulligan Teacher Association and started teaching the Mulligan Concept in 2008. Apart from teaching the Mulligan Concept courses, Yuval is Co-teaching the Mulligan in Sports course, a special course offered to graduates of the Mulligan basic curriculum graduates.

    Yuval's view of teaching is to put forward all evidence available to reason practice, but not forgetting that our practice is clinical, and patient oriented experience is highly important. Yuval main interest is in developing clinical reasoning in using the Mulligan concept in clinical practice, application of self MWM and self treatment and integration of the Mulligan concept into the accepted physiotherapy clinical practice. He is involved in development of a novice approach in symptom modification coined Contraction With Movement (CWM) as part of the Mulligan in Sports program.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

    • Mulligan in Sport - An Advanced Workshop in Sports Therapy

    Ben Davies
    PhD MSc MCSP, UK

    An experienced NOI instructor in the UK, Ben has taught Explain Pain, Mobilisation of the Neuroimmune System and Graded Motor Imagery courses in the Uk & Europe since 2008. His background as a physiotherapist involves primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. The majority of Ben’s experience is with people who have complex, persistent pain presentations. Currently Ben works in primary care for Virgincare (Bath and Northeast Somerset, UK) as professional lead for physiotherapy and clinical specialist physiotherapist in pain management.

    Ben’s PhD at the University of the West of England was in painful diabetic neuropathy, exploring whether this group of people could benefit from the pain management approaches which are relatively common in the MSK pain world, but not in the diabetic world.

    You can find Ben on twitter (@ben_davies42)

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Mobilisation of the Neuroimmune System
  • Explain Pain

  • Ella Donnison
    Hand Occupational Therapist
    BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
    MSc - Hand Therapy
    Accredited Hand Therapists – British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT)

    Ella has worked as an Occupational Therapist since 1997 and has specialised in hands since 2000. Ella enjoys treating patients with acute traumatic injuries – particularly sporting related, and utilises therapy knowledge and skills, especially splinting, to achieve the best outcome for patients. Ella is involved in co-ordinating and teaching on the BAHT Level 1 course and Level 2 Radiographic Interpretation course held at the Pulvertaft Hand Centre.

    Ella is also a member on the education committee for the British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT) supporting & promoting education of UK therapists in hand & upper limb conditions. Over the past 16 years Ella has worked closely with many of the UK & International Thermoplastic Splint material manufacturers & providers.

    Hand Occupational Therapist – Pulvertaft Hand Centre, Royal Derby Hospital NHS
    Hand Occupational Therapist – Nuffield Hospital Derby
    Medical Administrator – England Women’s Pathway: England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB)

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Kinesiology Taping Course for Assistants
  • Kinesiology Taping Course
  • Introduction to Static Splinting of the Wrist & Hand
  • Martin Evans
    Specialist in Communications – supporting you to tell your unique story.

    Martin has over 35 years’ experience of leadership, communications, marketing, PR and dealing with the media, in the public sector and latterly with his own company, TandemComms. As a communication and marketing specialist, he has worked regionally to internationally, with TV, radio, and social media, planning and delivering on many campaigns. Martin is an experienced, highly sought-after trainer, running courses from the board to the shop floor, in presentation skills, storytelling for business, media skills, communications strategy development and crisis communications. He is passionate about helping people and organisations tell their unique story in business and whilst personally supporting a Kenyan charity (as a trustee) and other UK third sector organisations.

    Martin says:
    ‘What motivates me is working to family values of loyalty and doing the right thing, being professional and making a positive difference to organisations but doing all that, with a touch of humour and fun’

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Presentation Skills

  • Ian Gatt
    Head of Performance Services & Lead Physiotherapist - GB Boxing

    Ian has been a sport physiotherapist for over 20 years, with considerable time spent managing the medical services and wider multidisciplinary team for the Great Britain Boxing program. He has attended a vast array of competitions, including multiple Olympic and Commonwealth Games, supporting elite athletes on their path to success.

    Ian is an Upper Limb Injury Specialist with the prestigious English Institute of Sport (EIS), providing a clinical expertise role to various Olympic and Paralympic Sports. He is also the physiotherapist/cutman with team Anthony Joshua, as well as supporting other professional boxers. Further, he provides private specialist consultations (ONLINE and/or face-to-face) on Upper Limb MSK injuries to both sporting and non-sporting clientele.

    Ian has a passion for teaching, delivering regular national/international educational workshops, webinars, and at conferences on diverse areas linked to Upper Limb sport injuries. He is a regular visiting Lecturer at University College London (UCL) and Queen Mary University London (QMUL), as well as collaborating with other universities.

    Further, he has completed a PhD candidate in Upper Limb Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).

    Ian enjoys the diversity of clinical, research and education which he finds complement each other towards progressive knowledge in the UpperLimb. You can find Ian on various social media platforms as the #theboxingphysio

    You can follow Ian on social media; Twitter (@iangattphysio), Instagram (iangattgattman) and Linkedin (theboxingphysio)

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Sporting Wrist and Hand
  • Sporting Upper Limb Masterclass

  • Mehmet Gem

    Mehmet started his higher education journey at the University of Hertfordshire where he received a BSc (hons) in Sport and Exercise Science. He shortly after went on to complete a pre-reg MSc at the University of Essex and has since completed his PGDip in Advanced Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy from the University of Hertfordshire.

    Mehmet initially started his career working in football and rugby throughout Essex and Suffolk, predominantly with young elite athletes and also within womens rugby.

    Over the last eleven years Mehmet has specialised in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, whilst specifically developing his specialist interest in Hip & Groin injuries over the last 10 years, specifically specialising in FAI syndrome.

    Alongside his role as Regional FCP Lead for Pure Physiotherapy, Mehmet has his own private hip consultancy clinic where he sees patients both locally to Devon and also with Zoom consultations for patients who are based all around the world. In addition to his clinical role, Mehmet has his own CPD course called 'Simplifying The Hip' which he teaches to healthcare professionals all around the world both remotely and face to face.

    Mehmet has a strong belief in using evidence based practice to direct his treatment approaches and feels that empowering patients with the tools to prevent injuries from reoccurring is imperative.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

    Simplifying the Hip

    Mehmet Gem
    Regional FCP Lead for Pure Physiotherapy

    Over the last eleven years Mehmet has specialised in musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, whilst specifically developing his specialist interest in Hip & Groin injuries over the last 10 years, specifically specialising in FAI syndrome.

    Alongside his role as Regional FCP Lead for Pure Physiotherapy, Mehmet has his own private hip consultancy clinic where he sees patients both locally to Devon and also with Zoom consultations for patients who are based all around the world. In addition to his clinical role, Mehmet has his own CPD course called 'Simplifying The Hip' which he teaches to healthcare professionals all around the world both remotely and face to face.

    Mehmet has a strong belief in using evidence based practice to direct his treatment approaches and feels that empowering patients with the tools to prevent injuries from reoccurring is imperative.

    Dr. Pradip Kumar Ghosh
    PT, Ph.D., DMS, M.Sc
    Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at Maryville University, St. Louis, USA

    Dr. Pradip Kumar Ghosh is a professor in the Physical Therapy Program at Maryville University, St. Louis, USA where he teaches graduate courses related to neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurological diseases along with treatment, and pharmacology.

    He has over 36 years of teaching experience.

    In addition to teaching, Dr. Ghosh is also currently practicing as a physical therapist in the nursing home setting where he is engaged in treating patients with neurological diseases.

    He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Physiology from the University of Calcutta, Homeopathic Medical Degree from Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College, and his Physical Therapy (PT) degree from the Ohio State University.

    He has offered more than 400 continuing education courses on stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, pain management, and pharmacology.

    He has provided numerous scientific presentations before the State, National, and International meetings related to physical therapy. br>
    Dr. Ghosh has authored and co-authored 53 peer-reviewed research papers and 58 abstracts.

    Jo Gibson
    MSc MCSP

    Jo Gibson is a Clinical Physiotherapy Specialist working at the Liverpool Upper Limb Unit at the Royal Liverpool Hospital and a Consultant in private practice.

    She has worked as a Shoulder Specialist since 1995 and lectures Nationally and Internationally about assessment and rehabilitation of the shoulder complex.

    Jo has co-developed Masters modules with Liverpool University for the diagnosis and treatment of upper limb pathology and has co-authored national guidelines for the management of different shoulder pathologies.

    She has presented original research at many National and International conferences, published in peer-reviewed journals and written several book chapters.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer:

  • The Shoulder: Steps to Successful Treatment
  • The Postoperative Shoulder: Optimising Outcomes

  • Dr Marie-Elaine Grant
    Ireland’s Olympic Team Lead Physiotherapist from 1990 – 2010
    Graduate of UCD ( University College Dublin)
    Specialist Member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists
    Member of the Medical and Scientific Commission of the International Olympic Committee since her appointment in 2010

    Dr. Marie-Elaine Grant (PT, PhD) a graduate of University College Dublin she specialises in sports and exercise physiotherapy, rehabilitation and clinical research. In her clinical practice she treats and rehabilitates a wide range of musculoskeletal and sports injuries. Over her career she has worked extensively with athletes from youth development through to high performance. She has a keen interest in implementing injury prevention strategies and has undertaken published research projects on the importance of the role of sports physiotherapy. She has been the lead physiotherapist for Ireland’s National Olympic team for 5 Summer and 2 Winter Olympic Games. Since her appointment to the IOC Medical and Scientific Commission she has advised on plans and preparations in addition to monitoring physiotherapy services on behalf of the IOC for 2 Summer and 2 Winter Olympic Games, she is currently involved in preparations for Tokyo 2021.

    She continues to remain actively involved in the education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapists. She regularly contributes to conferences and advises on programs for ongoing professional development for students and her peers. Marie-Elaine continues to participate in clinical research. She has several peer reviewed publications and is regularly invited to present at international conferences.

    In September 2013 she was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University College Dublin in recognition of her contribution to Physiotherapy.

    Marie-Elaine is a strong advocate of the enormous value of on-going learning and the importance of excellence, competence and accuracy with clinical application of physiotherapy and greatly enjoys imparting the extensive learning she has gained over her career to colleagues and students through her workshops, writing and teaching.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Lower Back Pain - Solving the Lumbar-Pelvic Complex
  • Tendinopathy: Prevention, Management and Rehabilitation of the Painful Tendon

  • Dr Stephanie Griffiths
    DPT MPhil MSc MCSP
    Consultant Physiotherapist MSK and Rehab Lead

    Stephanie presently works as a musculoskeletal Consultant Physiotherapist in West London, where she leads a large multidisciplinary team. Her clinical and research interests are within the field of upper limb dysfunction. She completed her doctorate in 2013 where she investigated conversion rates and the referral criteria for rotator cuff pathology. As well as leading the MSK team, she leads the rehab team and works as an advanced practitioner having completed a certificate in musculoskeletal ultrasound and independent prescribing practice.

    After gaining a teaching fellowship with the Society of Orthopaedic Medicine in 1995 and a postgraduate Certificate in Education she has also held various teaching roles. She was a lecturer at Birmingham University lecturing in pain mechanisms on the manipulative therapy route of the MSc in Advancing Practice as well as on their extended scope practice module. She is an Accredited Tutor with the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapist teaching both foundation and continuous professional development courses. More recently she has taught injection therapy update courses and has recently developed a dedicated training course for physiotherapists to undertake caudal epidural injection therapy.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Acupuncture Foundation Course

  • Lucy Gwynne

    Lucy’s current role is Physiotherapy Lead for Neurorehabilitation at South Warwickshire Foundation Trust.

    With over 30 years of experience she has noted how rehabilitation has developed from the early days of movement science, when therapists began to take a more active part in research, to now, with the floodgates of evidence opening ever wider.

    She has been lucky enough to work with some of the great and good amongst physiotherapy advancement including Professors Carr and Shepherd. In 2013 she was honoured to be invited to Denmark by Professors Shumway-Cook and Woollacott. They were retiring from the lecture circuit and ran a ‘Teach the teachers’ course for selected people. This offered Lucy and her colleague Michelle a unique insight and exclusive material.

    She has more recently linked with Dr Johnson from Bournemouth with the aim to further expand the pool of teachers.

    She has completed Masters Level in Movement science, Teaching and learning for Physiotherapists and Innovations in Physiotherapy and was guest lecturer on the movement science course at Nottingham.

    Dynamic Training Ltd was set up in 2005 with Michelle in response to a request to teach, what was then, the Motor relearning programme. Extensive updating and incorporating new evidence ensures therapy advancement is at the centre of any current teaching.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Balance Rehabilitation
  • Task Specific Training Sit to Stand and Walking
  • Management of Spasticity in the Upper Limb Following Stroke

  • Professor Maggie-Lee Huckabee

    Prof Maggie-Lee Huckabee practiced as a clinical speech language pathologist for 15 years before the frustration of never knowing ‘the answers’ led her to an academic career. She is now Founder and Director of the University of Canterbury Rose Centre for Stroke Recovery and Research and Professor in the Department of Psychology, Speech and Hearing in Christchurch, New Zealand. She still hasn’t found ‘the answers’ but is trying, with research interests focusing on the complexities of behaviorally-driven neural adaptation and biomechanical change leading to swallowing recovery following neurological injury. In her 20-year academic career, Dr Huckabee has co-authored three books, one in its 3rd edition, 15 book chapters and has published 85 peer reviewed scientific papers.

    A recent research programme resulted in a regional reduction in pneumonia rates from 27 to 10%, with a subsequent savings in health care costs for the health system of over $1.4 million in one year. For this research, she was awarded one of the top research medals from the University of Canterbury – The Innovation Medal, was a finalist for the NZ Women of Influence Award in Science and Innovation and nominated for New Zealander of the Year in the Innovation category. She recently received a Braveheart Award, in recognition of her contribution to her local community

    She is well known as a clinical teacher and is an invited speaker by health systems worldwide to provide clinical training, particularly in rehabilitation practices.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Dyshagia for Speech and Language Therapists

  • Anju Jaggi
    Consultant Physiotherapist, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust (UK)
    Deputy Director AHP Research & development
    A Jaggi Physio Consultancy Ltd
    Past President of European Society of Shoulder and Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER)

    Anju is a Consultant Physiotherapist with a clinical interest in shoulder dysfunction and research & innovation lead for the Therapy directorate at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOHT). She has worked at the RNOHT for over 20 years, managing patients with shoulder dysfunction with a specific interest in atraumatic shoulder instability. She has lectured internationally and presented at numerous scientific meetings. She has published work in the field of shoulder rehabilitation, co-supervised post graduate student projects and is involved in several funded research studies collaborating with commercial and academic partners, one of which is the NIHR GRASP trial with the University of Oxford. She is currently leading a randomised clinical trial on the role of surgery in atraumatic shoulder instability with the surgical team at the RNOHT in collaboration with Prof Ginn at Sydney University. She holds a clinical teaching fellow post at University College London (UCL) and is lead for one of the modules within the UCL MSc in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. She has served on the board of the European Society of Shoulder & Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER) since 2008 and was President of the society from 2012-2015. She currently serves on the British Shoulder & Elbow Society Council as the allied health professional representative. She has a passion for improving the management of shoulder dysfunction as well as globally promoting physical therapy and rehabilitation.

    Anju is a Consultant Physiotherapist and Deputy Director of AHP R&D at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOHT). She has over 20 years’ experience in shoulder rehabilitation. She lectures internationally and has several publications, co-supervised MSc projects and co-app on several funded research studies. She is module lead for the UCL MSc in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. She was president of the European Society of Shoulder & Elbow Rehabilitation. She is on the British Shoulder & Elbow Society Council and the NICE guideline committee. She has a passion for improving the management of shoulders as well as promoting physical therapy and rehabilitation.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Problem Solving the Shoulder

  • Mike James
    The Endurance Physio

    Mike is a former Military Physical Training Instructor and rehabilitation specialist, fitness expert and Sports Rehabilitator. He has a strong reputation in the therapy world having had many articles published in national magazines and is a regular speaker at conferences and shows as well as running his own courses and workshops. Mike holds Masters level degrees in both Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine as well as degrees in Sports Rehabilitation, strength conditioning and Sports Science.

    His passion is helping therapists and patients alike understand the evidence base by sharing his message into a practically understandable and applicable content.

    Mike lectures full time on the Physiotherapy programme at the University of South Wales as well as running a busy clinic helping athletes of all levels to optimise rehab and performance.

    Michelle Kudhail
    BSc MCSP

    Michelle’s role as Director of Clinical Excellence for Hamberley Care Homes and Inspire Neurocare is to lead and support the Quality Assurance team, and in turn the Home Managers, in directing and promoting continuous improvements in clinical governance, best practice and quality of care delivery across services. Through the Clinical Governance and Clinical Innovation and Best Practice Forums we strive to improve the quality of the resident’s experience and care outcomes and ensure compliance with internal and external quality standards.

    Michelle is a highly skilled clinician with experience in healthcare within both the NHS and Independent sector. Her career started with achievement of a BSc in Physiotherapy in 1991 following which she commenced employment within Southampton General Hospital, gaining experience in a range of specialisms. Whilst there her interest in Neurology and Neurorehabilitation was nurtured and then enhanced by a year working in a Rehab centre in Chicago, with the opportunity to learn new skills. On return to the UK, she enhanced her expertise by assisting in developing the gait laboratory within the Neurorehab hospital and expanding her skills in biomechanical analysis, orthotics and spasticity management. She completed a masters level Injection Therapy course (2006) and Non-medical prescribing qualification (2008) at Coventry University and whilst working as a lead clinician in a regional specialist NHS hospital (Central England Rehabilitation Unit).

    Since leaving the NHS in 2010 she has successfully commissioned and established a number of Neuro services (Hunters Moor in Birmingham and Badby Park Group), leading the teams and developing the facilities to become successful and award winning.

    Michelle has been an invited speaker at International conferences (World Federation of Neurorehabilitation in Hong Kong and Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine in Queenstown, New Zealand) and many National conferences and she continues to be focused on promoting quality, best practice and continued learning. She also provides post-graduate training for healthcare professionals in her areas of expertise on a national basis.

    In addition, Michelle is known as a Neurophysio specialist and acts in a Consultant capacity as an expert witness, advising in medico-legal cases.

    Throughout all of her career, she been able to work with eminent Professors and leading clinicians and has many links with organisations in the healthcare field, including UKABIF, regional ABIF’s and INPA.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Balance Rehabilitation
  • Task Specific Training Sit to Stand and Walking
  • Management of Spasticity in the Upper Limb Following Stroke

  • Dr Aftab Laher
    BA(Hons.) MSc. PhD C.Psychol. AFBPsS CSci. UKCP
    Consultant Clinical and Health Psychologist
    Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

    Dr Laher is a HCPC Registered Practitioner Psychologist, BPS Chartered Consultant Clinical and Health Psychologist and BABCP Accredited Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist. He is also a Chartered Scientist with the Science Council. He has been qualified for over 25 years, working across NHS adult services, the private sector and with voluntary agencies. He has worked within the specialities of mental health, health psychology and physical rehabilitation/ pain management, and occupational health - taking a lead role in service development and innovation. Dr Laher currently works as a Consultant Clinical and Health Psychologist in private practice and is the Managing Director of an independent psychological consultancy, PsyWorks Ltd. He led the Health Psychology service in the South Derbyshire region of the Derbyshire Condition Management Programme from 2004 to March 2011. He holds an Honorary Lectureship in Clinical Psychology at the University of Leicester contributing to research and teaching of undergraduates and doctoral students. He was also an Honorary Principal Lecturer in Psychology at De Montfort University from 2007-2012. Dr Laher has run numerous psychology-related workshops and training programmes for health-care staff and for a range of people working in the public, corporate and voluntary sectors. Dr Laher has contributed to several publications in the health arena. He also acts as an expert psychology witness in court proceedings.

    Dr Laher has extensive experience in the psychological assessment and treatment of adults presenting with common mental health and physical health difficulties. He specialises in the area of psychological trauma and adjustment following accident or personal injury, psychological pain management, psychological adjustment to chronic health conditions, and workplace well-being (including work-related stress, bullying and discrimination issues). He undertakes both assessment and treatment of Adults who present with a range of psychological problems/disorders including chronic pain, anxiety, depression, PTSD, adjustment disorders and relationship issues. Dr Laher is also trained/ experienced in the use of a range of psychological assessment protocols relating to personality, intellectual capacity, memory, and general cognitive functioning. Dr Laher draws on an integrative and eclectic biopsychosocial framework to guide his work but with an emphasis on humanistic, motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavioural approaches.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • A Study Day on Chronic Pain
  • Advanced Study Day on Chronic Pain
  • Introduction to Motivational interviewing
  • Motivational Interviewing - Intermediate Level
  • Recognising Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Clients
  • Occupational Stress
  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Approaches to Physical Rehabilitation
  • Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Approaches to Physical Rehabilitation - Intermediate Level

  • Thérèse Lebedis

    Thérèse is the Consultant AHP (Occupational Therapist) in Stroke for NHS Grampian. She is the clinical lead for the stroke rehabilitation unit at Fraserburgh Hospital and is AHP consultant at the stroke rehabilitation unit Woodend Hospital, Aberdeen.

    Thérèse holds several national roles, including the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Occupational Therapy advisor to The National Advisory Committee for Stroke (NACS) at the Scottish Government and is chair of the Scottish Programme for Govt. NACS Rehabilitation sub group . Thérèse was awarded an O.B.E. in the 2019 New Years Honours for services to stroke care and rehabilitation.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Apraxia

  • Dr Lih-Mei Liao

    Dr Lih-Mei Liao delivers mindfulness workshops for health and social care staff at NCORE, where feedback from attendees is consistently excellent. She holds a part-time appointment as a consultant clinical psychologist and head of service at a NHS hospital. She is also registered as a health psychologist; her PhD, awarded in 1995, was on effects of a group-based health education intervention in primary care. Since late 1990s, Dr Liao has held public and private sector contracts as a trainer and supervisor in group facilitation, behaviour change and communication skills.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Mindfulness
  • Behaviour Change Skills - Part 3

  • Dr Annemarie Lombard
    Founder and CEO of Sensory Intelligence Consulting, a Thought Leader and Subject Expert on sensory neuroscience with 30 years of experience.

    • HPCSA (Health professions council of SA) registration
    • Author of "Sensory Intelligence - why it matters more than IQ and EQ"
    • National Gold Award for Best Non-Technical Innovation – awarded by BPeSA, 2010
    • Professional Category Winner, Business Woman of the Year, awarded by the SACBW, 2008/9
    • Learning material accredited by University of Stellenbosch

    Sensory Intelligence® Consulting Our Vision: To help people be healthy, happy and productive through the 7 senses.

    It makes sense. In a world of constant chaos, overload, stress, and change we go back to basics and create life-changing aha moments of self-insight and self-awareness for people who want to manage themselves better.

    Our work is embedded in research and neuroscience, tried and tested, and provides tangible personal and business results for sustained growth and success. We are a niche group of passionate healthcare professional experts based in virtual, home and flexible workspaces.

    We have an unquestioned reputation with a no-fuss approach in designing, delivering and monitoring learning and development journeys for our clients.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Sensory Intelligence Training for Practitioners

  • Andrew Longmead

    After practicing in numerous areas of Diagnostic Radiography for several years at the Derby hospitals and viewing first hand the important role of ultrasound imaging, Andrew decided to make the leap in 2008 and obtained a training post in Medical Ultrasound completing a PgDip and gaining competencies in general abdominal, head & neck and obstetric scanning.

    In 2012 he was able to begin developing skills in Musculoskeletal (MSK) ultrasound which was formalised in the shape of completing a PgCert at Sheffield Hallam. Due to service demand at the trust Andrew was practicing at, a natural progression was made to develop competencies in ultrasound guided injections which resulted in him performing a range of injections on a weekly bases in his capacity as lead MSK Sonographer.

    Andrew has taught MSK ultrasound at the University of Derby over the last ten years and been involved in many nationally run ultrasound courses in recent years. In 2019 he was invited to co-author two chapters for an internationally published MSK ultrasound training book. In 2023 Andrew started work in a new Consultant Sonographer post specialising in Rheumatology / MSK ultrasound and is currently finishing his MSc in Health Sciences.

    Andrew is married to wife Sarah and has two children. He enjoys watching films and sport, travel, spending time with his family and long distance running.

    Erica Malcolm
    MCSP Grad. Dip. Phys. Post Grad Dip. (Neurology)
    Specialist Neurological Therapy Services (SNTS)
    Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist (Neurology)
    Consultant to and Founder of Physio Where You Are

    Erica Malcolm qualified as a physiotherapist in 1985 having trained at Nottingham. Her first job was at Glenfield General Hospital and Groby Road Hospital in Leicester specialising in thoracic surgery. In 1987 she moved to Burton on Trent where she began to develop an interest in neurology. This interest deepened when Erica moved to work at the specialist unit for neurological patients in Derby and she eventually became the specialist physiotherapist for neurology across both the Derby Royal Infirmary and the Derby City Hospital. In this capacity Erica carried the responsibility for developing and envisioning the neurological physiotherapy team and to some extent, the occupational therapy services in these Derby Acute Hospitals. Having achieved her aim of creating a cohesive and skilled team in the Derby Acute Hospitals as well as creating working relationships and links with the Primary Care Trusts, Erica decided that it was time to create something new and exciting in the private community setting – that’s where Physio Where You Are saw its beginnings.

    As well as working in the NHS, Erica qualified as a Bobath Tutor in 1997 at which time she became a member of the International Bobath Instructor Therapists Association (IBITA). With lecturing commitments taking her all over the country, she eventually decided that she needed to be nearer to home as her young family grew up. Although she relinquished her membership of IBITA, Erica continues to regularly lecture and enjoys visiting hospital neurological therapy teams, undertaking ‘trouble-shooting’ days where she leads learning workshops and develops clinical learning amongst senior therapy staff working in neurology.

    Erica built her community neurological therapy team – Physio Where You Are - to over 30 strong members, providing a multidisciplinary neuro-therapy service covering Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire. True to her ethos of providing excellent care for patients as well as building neurological therapy teams, in 2019, Erica handed the reins of Physio Where You Are to 6 of her team to take it forward to further grow and develop in excellence.

    While continuing to work in the community treating people with neurological problems, Erica also provides a specialist consultation service to both the NHS and private sectors. Lecturing remains a significant part of her work both independently and alongside other health care professionals.

    Current membership of professional, national and regional bodies:
    Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
    Health and Care Professions Council
    Association of Chartered Physiotherapists Interested in Neurology
    Organisation of Chartered Physiotherapists in Private Practice

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Treatment & Exploration of Gait for Physios
  • Neurological Upper Limb for Occupational Therapists
  • Posture and Balance as it Relates to Selective Control of the Upper Limb
  • Posture and Balance as it Relates to Selective Control of the Lower Limb
  • Kinesiology Taping Course
  • Assessment and Ideas for the Treatment of the Wrist and Hand in Adults with Neurological Damage
  • Assessment and Ideas for the Treatment of the Thorax in Adults with Neurological Damage
  • Exploring Functional Patterns of Movement
  • Exploring Gait as it relates to Posture and Balance for Therapy Assistants and TI's
  • Posture and Balance as it Relates to Selective Control of the Lower Limb for Assistants
  • Posture and Balance as it Relates to Selective Control of the Upper Limb for Assistants
  • Anatomy and Mobilisation of Hands and Feet for Assistants

  • Andrew McCauley
    Founder of ProCare Sports Medicine

    Andrew is a highly experienced and specialised physiotherapist in musculoskeletal and sports medicine. He currently divides his time between ProCare Sports Medicine and working as an extended scope practitioner in hips, knees and shoulders.

    Andrew has worked with a number of professional and high level athletes from a mixture of different sports including: netball, football, running, cross fit and martial arts. He started with a degree in PE/Sports Science from Liverpool University. This included modules in exercise physiology: sports psychology, coaching science and a final year dissertation researching ‘Overuse injuries in Dancers’. He then graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland with an honours degree in physiotherapy. His final year dissertation focused on ‘Overuse Injuries in Professional Soccer Players’. In 2013, Andrew completed his masters in Sports and Exercise Medicine from Exeter University with distinction. His research looked at ‘Achillies Tendinopathy and Tibial Stress Fractures in Marathon Runners’. He has extensive post graduate training in manual therapy (MACP) including spinal manipulation. Andrew has also qualified as a Certified Strength and Conditional Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association in the USA. This enables him to develop detailed and specific exercise programmes so that clients adapt and get stronger in the quickest possible timeframe. It also helps with improving sports performance and athletic development. As well as exercise therapy, Andrew uses a mixture of manual treatment techniques, taping, video biomechanical analysis and he is also trained in injection therapy.

    Andrew has a passion for sports medicine and athletic development. He believes that if someone wants to train or play sport, they deserve the best treatment possible. He is dedicated to helping diagnose, rehabilitate and improve athletes from all ages and levels.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Unravelling Strength and Conditioning for Therapists

  • Sue Mesa

    Sue qualified as an occupational therapist in 1999 and worked clinically in Learning Disability services, with particular interest and expertise in working with those with dual diagnosis of learning disability and mental health or challenging behaviour/criminality. She has an MSc in Mental Health in Learning Disabilities. Sue currently works at York St John University as a Senior Lecturer and is Course Lead for the MSc Occupational Therapy. Sue has also been an Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (AMPS) trainer since 2005 and has developed a follow-on course to support clinicians to interpret and embed this standardised assessment into their clinical practice. Sue is currently engaged in research related to children and adults with Autism and has publications related to occupational therapy theory use in clinical practice, occupational therapy assessment and adults with Learning Disability.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • AMPS Update

  • Alison Middleditch

    Alison trained at Kings College Hospital. She has worked in the NHS, held a research post at the Bioengineering Department of University College London, worked in Private Practice and also worked with several sports teams including the Scottish and Welsh Lacrosse teams.

    Early in Alison’s career she developed an interest in musculoskeletal disorders and after gaining membership of the MACP she became a tutor and examiner for the association and was part of the team that developed the first Masters Course in Manipulative Therapy at Coventry University.

    Latterly Alison was the Practice Principal at Surrey Physiotherapy Clinic where she specialised in the treatment of complex musculoskeletal problems and in particular spinal disorders. She also has an interest in Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders and uses a holistic approach when managing patients.

    Alison has lectured extensively both nationally and internationally on physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal disorders.

    Alison is co-author of Functional Anatomy of the Spine, 2nd Edition (2005) and she has contributed chapters to books and had articles published in Journals on a number of subjects ranging from hypermobility, the TMJ, spinal dysfunction and manual therapy.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • The Sacroiliac Joint Simplified
  • Hypermobility/Ehlers Danlos Syndrome in Adults and Children: Clinical Assessment and Management

  • Thomas G C Mitchell
    BSc (hons), MSC, SRP, CSP, BAHT, MCTA

    Thomas is a First Contact Practitioner physiotherapy supervisor, clinical lead in the One Health Group Wrist and Hand Hub and owner of Remedy Physio, a private physiotherapy clinic and PhD candidate. He is the UK member of the Mulligan Concept Teachers Association giving him licence to teach the Mulligan Concept in the UK. He collaborates with Andrew Cuff in delivering ‘The Complete Upper Limb Course’ with Andrew Cuff, and frequently speaks at conferences and online seminars.

    Thomas has been practicing physiotherapy since 1998, attaining a MSc in Sports Injury in 2006 and beginning his PhD examining 'non-traumatic wrist injury' in 2021 He became the UK's through assessment at the International Conference in Copenhagen in 2017. Thomas has a number of clinical interests including the use of Self-Mobilisation with Movement in modern clinical practice, and rehabilitation of the upper limb, notably the wrist and hand.

    Thomas has wide-ranging clinical experience and is a full-time clinician-educator. He has a strong rehabilitation bias, working for ten years full-time in the elite sporting environment, with posts with the English Institute of Sport, GB Boxing, GB Wheelchair Rugby, Sheffield United Football Club, GB Paratennis and GB Paracycling. He travelled extensively through his work, providing competition physiotherapy at Paralympic Games, World Championships, European Championships and was lead clinician for the World Series Boxing team, 2014 (British Lionhearts).

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • The Mulligan Manual Therapy Concept
  • The Complete Upper Limb

  • Steve Nawoor
    Consultant Physiotherapist
    Deputy Director of Clinical Delivery for Connect Health leading the development of clinical services nationally across 18 Clinical Commissioning Groups [CCGs]
    Working closely with the Chief Medical Officer and Director of Clinical Delivery on Primary Care Services, Rehabilitation and primary prevention in terms of Public Health across the UK.
    Proud to work with an amazing multi-professional workforce across Musculoskeletal, Rheumatology and Pain Services to deliver Clinical Quality and innovation to patients and communities.

    I took a relatively unorthodox route into Physiotherapy, from mines and demolitions in the Army, to a Physical Training Instructor in the Prison Service. I have worked extensively as an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist [APP] within a variety of NHS settings, including Musculoskeletal Interface Services working alongside Doctors, Psychologists and Rheumatology Consultants. Previously, Professional Head of Physiotherapy at Nuffield Health as well as Lecturing at Keele University has allowed me to experience a wide variety of aspects within healthcare. I have travelled extensively with Elite Sport to various World and European Championships and spoken at numerous conferences, with a highlight being invited to the World Physical Therapy Conference in South Africa to speak on Advanced Practice and Primary Care.

    My real passion lies within delivering Clinical Quality, Public Health, Clinical Leadership, Digital Health, Education and Innovation and you will generally find me contributing to clinical debate on Twitter @stevenawoor, blogging, Obstacle Course Racing, Caveman Training, Crossfit at CWOne drinking espresso, running our two children around and spending time with a very understanding and exceptional wife.

    ‘Keep it simple, empower movement, engage the mind and the rest should come…..’

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • The Clinical Maze

  • Alison Neal
    Consultant Occupational Therapist, Director – Midlands Occupational Therapy

    Alison established Midlands Occupational Therapy Services Ltd over 10 years ago, largely in order to develop further specialized skills in sensory integration and fulfill a need that seemed to be very much in demand. Midlands OT is now a small company with several associate therapists that provides specialist occupational therapy services for children and young adults with a range of conditions including autistic spectrum disorders, dyspraxia, developmental delay, sensory processing disorders, cerebral palsy and acquired brain injury. Midlands OT therapists use a range of approaches to provide appropriate therapy to address each child’s exact difficulties and are able to offer a trauma informed approach where this is necessary. Assessment and therapy input are offered in an individualised way enabling therapists to meet each child and family’s specific needs with the aim of finding solutions to everyday problems that actually work and can be implemented at home or school. Midlands Occupational Therapy is also the leading provider of specialist occupational therapy services into special schools across the West Midlands.

    Alison is an Advanced Practitioner in Sensory Integration; she was an accredited lecturer with Ulster University with several years’ experience of delivering clinical modules and mentoring for the Master’s degree in Sensory Integration Therapy for the Sensory Integration Network UK and Ireland and she still provides post graduate mentoring to other therapists on this subject . Alison has presented to regional and national audiences including the National Autistic Society and the OT Show and was a keynote speaker at the Sensory Integration Network’s annual conference in 2018. She offers training both face to face (when permitted) and online for parents, schools and other professionals on the subject of sensory processing disorders. Alison has co-authored a book on Sensory Movement Breaks published by the TTS group.

    Contact details:
    07853 847381
    Tweet @midlandsOccupa1

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Introduction to Sensory Processing Difficulties

  • Matthew Newton
    MCSP, HCPC Reg, MACP, Dip InJ Therapy, IMTA Teacher

    Matthew graduated as a Physiotherapist from Sheffield in the UK in 1988. He then stayed in the area for a few years and worked in a hospital setting before moving to Canada in 1992, where he worked in a private practice. After a few years he returned to the UK and worked in various hospitals.

    He achieved a Post Graduate Certificate in Manual Therapy from Sheffield Hallam University in 1996 and then went onto the International Maitland Teachers’ Association (IMTA) course programme, which he completed in 2001. He gained his IFOMPT OMT qualification in 2005 and became a member of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP).

    As well as working independently as a private practitioner, Matthew has worked in the NHS as a lead clinician in the neuromusculoskeletal physiotherapy department and in an extended scope role as a specialist Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Practitioner. In this role he has gained experience in requesting medical investigations such as blood tests, x-rays, MRI scans etc.

    He is also qualified in the administration of steroid injections for peripheral musculoskeletal disorders. Matthew qualified as an IMTA teacher in 2013 and has since taught courses in the UK, France, Italy, Jordan, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Switzerland.

    He also teaches his own two-day course on Medical Screening in various countries around Europe. He was the Consulting Editor for the current editions of Maitland’s Vertebral Manipulation (8th Ed.) and Maitland’s Peripheral Manipulation (5th Ed.). In addition, he co-authored the chapter on the management of shoulder and shoulder girdle disorders in the latter text.

    Matthew continues to work as a specialist clinician in the neuromusculoskeletal field of Physiotherapy.

    As the current Vice-President of IMTA he is a keen advocate of developing and modernizing IMTA’s curriculum, to ensure the teachings are evidence influenced and up to date with contemporary thinking.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:
    Medical Screening & Differential Diagnosis for Physiotherapists

    Jan Nicholson
    Childrens Occupational Therapist/OT Lead

    Jan is clinical lead for the South Derbyshire Community Paediatric Occupational Therapy team. Qualifying in 1983 she has worked with children with neurological and developmental difficulties for the past 34 years, most recently specialising in early years at Derby’s Ronnie MacKeith Centre.

    Throughout her career she has been involved in a number of published research projects and was also engaged as a clinical lecturer on the local undergraduate GP programme. Over the years she has held a number of voluntary posts on local and national committees such as NAPOT (now CYPF), COT and Babtt. She has won three national awards related to her work and collaborated on a number of successful design projects.

    Dr Christopher Norris
    MCSP MSc PhD

    Dr Christopher Norris is a Chartered Physiotherapist (MCSP) who qualified from Pinderfields College in 1981. He gained a Master’s degree (MSc) in Exercise Science (physical habilitation) from Liverpool University in 1988 and a Doctorate (PhD) from Staffordshire University in 2009. His PhD research was on spinal rehabilitation. Chris holds postgraduate certification in both Occupational Health (cert OH) and Orthopaedic medicine (MSOM).

    An experienced acupuncturist and Dry Needling practitioner, Chris trained in western acupuncture in the 1980’s with the Society of Biophysical Medicine and gained an advanced certificate in Chinese Acupuncture from Renshu college in London in 1999. He is a member of the British Acupuncture Council (MBAcC), and an advanced member and tutor for the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP).

    Chris Norris is the author of thirteen books on physiotherapy and exercise, including a textbook on sport injuries (Routledge), now in its 5th edition which is the set book on many physiotherapy and sport therapy courses. His book ‘Back Stability’ (Human Kinetics) has received top reviews in both the UK and USA, and his ‘Complete Guide’ books (Bloomsbury) regularly get 4 and 5 star ratings on Amazon. Chris has also produced educational CDs on Back Stability, Acupuncture, Stretching exercise and Weight training, and several of his books are also available in eBook and Kindle format.

    A popular postgraduate lecturer, Dr Norris lectures widely to physiotherapists, doctors and exercise professionals. He holds a postgraduate certificate in medical education (PGCmed ed) from Staffordshire University. Chris is a visiting lecturer and external examiner to several universities. Chris Norris is active on social media, writing a regular blog for the Norris Health website, sharing health information on Facebook and Twitter, and producing health information videos for the Norris Health YouTube channel – including the popular series 1 minute physio.

    A keen sportsman, Chris jogs, practices and teaches Yoga, and trains in the gym. He is a certified Yoga and Pilates teacher, registered with REPS. He holds a Black Belt in the martial art Ju Jitsu and is a certified coach with the World Ju Jitsu Federation (WJJF).

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Acupuncture for Sport
  • Back Rehabilitation

  • Richard O'Hara

    Richard O’Hara is a Chartered Physiotherapist with clinical interests in musculoskeletal conditions, vestibular disorders and acupuncture.

    His qualifications include MSc Acupuncture in Healthcare and has worked as an Advanced Practitioner since 2013.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation including Cervicogenic Dizziness
  • Acupuncture for Occupational Therapists
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation/ Dizziness for Occupational Therapists

  • Dr Patricia Oakley
    PhD (Organisational Psychology), MBA (London), MA (Victorian Studies), BSc (Pharmacy), Dip. Hist. Med. (SA), MRPharmS

    Dr. Patricia Oakley, Director, Practices Made Perfect Ltd., is a recently retired Strategic Service and Workforce Policy Analyst, and Workforce Research Fellow at King’s College, London University. She is now writing historical fiction novels about organisational politics and sociopaths at work in hospitals.

    Previous posts include:
    • Adviser to the Chief Scientific Officer’s Healthcare Scientists Workforce Policy Group.
    • Coordinator of the Healthcare Science Doctoral Programme, King’s College, London University.
    • Chair, Workforce Planning Policy Stream, Minister’s Next Stage Review (2007-2009).
    • Tutor of public health and public policy post-graduate students in management and strategic workforce risk assessment at King’s College, the LSE and the RCP-Birkbeck College Clinicians’ Leadership Programme.
    • Lead Tutor, NHS Wales’ National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare.
    • Non-Executive Director of the English National Board for Nursing and Midwifery.
    • Special Adviser to the House of Commons Select Committee on Health.
    • Special Adviser to the Scottish Executive’s Integrated Workforce Planning Group.
    • President of the Association of Healthcare Human Resource Managers (AHPM).

    Awarded AHPM's Lifetime Achievement Award 2016
    Key areas of recent work include:
    i) Supporting DH, HEE and NHS England’s Policy Programmes: Children’s and Young People’s Services Workforce Review; 7 Day Services Workforce Review; Cardiac Care and Echo Services Workforce Review; the Genomics Workforce Strategy; and the role of predictive analytics in scheduling urgent care.
    ii) Coordinating the DH’s Healthcare Science Doctoral Programme at King’s College, London, to support the development of England’s healthcare science workforce modelling procedures, policies and analytical methodology.
    iii) Building, with specialist colleagues, strategic workforce risk assessment and planning models and preparing strategic workforce investment plans for senior management teams and national policy-makers, e.g. medical, pharmacy, midwifery, nursing, management and scientific workforces.
    iv) Developing evidence for national-level policies in assessing the potential impact of commercial enterprises (multi-national and small businesses) on health service delivery, and the implications for the future of professional groups in the 21st Century.
    v) Supporting local board and clinical leadership development programmes and delivering policy masterclasses as part of local staff and cross-sector leadership development programmes.

    Dr. Oakley has over 40 years’ health and public service experience in both operational management and policy research and development. She has worked extensively with national policy-makers and Trust boards, executive directors and senior clinicians, and with service managers and clinical practitioners, in developing their strategies to deliver affordable public services. She has worked in management and organisational development; restructuring organisations and clinical care systems; designing and delivering skill-mix reviews and reprofiling programmes; conducting value for money audits and managing subsequent change programmes; and preparing strategic workforce and education and training investment plans.

    A production and radiopharmacist, and subsequently clinical pharmacist by background, Dr. Oakley was a London Chief Pharmacist from 1981-1987 when she moved to the former North-West Thames Regional Health Authority where she was Head of the Manpower & Pay Policy Unit. She specialised in economics, corporate finance, and management accounts in the Master’s Programme at London Business School; and she has a doctorate in medical politics and conflict from London University’s Birkbeck College’s Organisational Psychology Department. Dr. Oakley recently retired from her Teaching post at King’s College, London University, but continues as a Workforce Research Fellow at King’s Business School. To specialise in Medical Humanities, Dr. Oakley was awarded a Diploma in the History of Medicine by The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries and has an MA in Victorian Studies from Birkbeck’s 19th Century research unit.

    Dr. Patricia Oakley is one of the founding Directors of Practices Made Perfect Ltd., where she continues to work as an adviser in workforce planning and policy development. Her first historical fiction novel about 19th Century medical and nursing politics in a London Teaching Hospital will be available in late 2020 from

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • The Modernisation Agenda

  • Peter Ord

    "I grew up in Durham, and became interested in psychology and philosophy in my teens. I then studied psychology at undergraduate level at the University of Stirling, completed a Masters in Learning Disabilities, and graduated with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology in 2006. I have developed interests in a range of approaches including Narrative Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. I’ve practiced as a Clinical Psychologist within community and inpatient settings, and currently work as the lead psychologist for an NHS acute inpatient service in Milton Keynes.

    I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to study psychology and believe that in order to fully understand and tackle mental health challenges; we need to look beyond individual psychology, to understanding our wellbeing in context of relationships, trauma, community and culture. I have run various training workshops and conferences usually alongside my colleague Mark Sanderson on a range of topics including psychosis, extreme states and non-violent communication.

    Outside of work I love spending time with my family and three kids and making curries, cycling, running and listening to all kinds of music from heavy rock to Miles Davis! "

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Compassion for Voices

  • Debbie Painter
    RGN/Senior ENP/Event Medic

    I have been a qualified Registered General Nurse since 1993. After gaining 18mths ward experience I was offered a position in A&E as a junior Staff Nurse in a large University teaching hospital down in the south of England. From the start I was taught how to suture. Closing wounds using tissue adhesive and staples had not then been introduced in A&E departments at that time so nearly all wounds were closed using the suturing method. I quickly developed a passion for trauma, in particular for wounds, and I was always ready and waiting for those patients who were bleeding. I took every opportunity to suture and even had the chance to watch the plastic and maxillo facial surgeons at work.

    When tissue adhesive was introduced into the A&E departments, it was a huge advantage for the closure of simple wounds. However, by this time I had gained experience in more complex closure. This was quickly realised when I began my next A&E job as a Senior Staff Nurse and I was asked to teach on the induction training course for the junior doctors.

    I became an Emergency Nurse Practitioner in 2006 and focused entirely on limb trauma and non life-threatening wounds that presented in the ED. I was also asked to work for a private medical company treating trauma patients at events and festivals across the country which I still do today.

    I always aim to keep myself updated with research regarding primary closure of trauma wounds, so together with many years of experience in managing complex wounds, there are very few wounds I am unable to close in the ED, the exceptions being those that require theatre.

    For several years I was also employed as a visiting lecturer at a local university, teaching wound management and suturing to ENP/ECPs on the Minor Injuries Course at degree level. The session was very popular but time limiting so, with encouragement from the University lecturers, this led on to me developing an independently run course, teaching medical professionals who were required to assess, manage, treat or refer acute wounds. Some had no prior experience in wound care at all but finished the course full of confidence.

    With very few wound management and suture courses available and more and more ENP and ECPs being responsible for treating wounds, I am passionate about teaching this quickly deteriorating but important and essential skill.

    I am now a Senior Emergency Nurse Practitioner and am the first point of call for all significant wounds that present in the ED in which I am currently employed. I have taught many of the practitioners and doctors I work with and am proud of how they have put the knowledge and skills I have taught them into practice.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Wound Management and Suture Workshop

  • Behaviour Change Training – Dympna Pearson
    Behaviour Change Training (BCT) - Skills Based Training for Healthcare Professionals of all Levels

    Established in 1998, by Dympna Pearson, BCT courses have been developed by working with experts in the field and has constantly evolved to meet the ever changing needs of healthcare.

    BCT deliver training in a learner-centred way which increases practitioner’s ability and confidence. Uniquely, we invest in a level of facilitation that provides individual feedback and support to each participant. Trainers and facilitators all have experience of working as practitioners in healthcare, enabling them to relate to the participants working environment.

    Underpinned by sound theory and evidence, practitioners learn core communication skills and how they can be used in practice to increase motivation and promote positive health behaviour change. The courses are taught through a combination of e-learning modules, self-directed learning and practical skills based workshops.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Behaviour Change Skills Part 1
  • Behaviour Change Skills Part 2
  • Behaviour Change Skills Part 3

  • Dr Bhanu Ramaswamy
    FCSP, DProf

    Bhanu Ramaswamy OBE is an Independent Physiotherapy Consultant based in Sheffield and an Honorary Visiting Fellow at Sheffield Hallam University.

    In 2010, Bhanu left the NHS after 2 decades working in the field of rehabilitation to follow a desire for promoting the health of older people through activity, particularly those with long-term conditions. Her vision of the physiotherapy profession advancing its skills through involvement in exercise prescription for a population with multiple, complex health and social care needs led her to train as a Fitness Instructor in exercise prescription with qualifications to Level 4, working with local charities to run exercise classes for people with clinical conditions.

    Bhanu’s career has permitted her contribution to clinical education (inter)nationally, authorship of chapters in multi-professional texts as well as publishing work related to her rehabilitation role, specifically in her fields of interest i.e. rehabilitation of older people and of Parkinson’s. As well as maintaining clinical practice and a role teaching postgraduate students, Bhanu continues to be involved in both national and international strategic projects for Parkinson’s UK, and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy professional networks ACPIN (neurology) and AGILE (older people).

    Proud achievements and testaments towards these goals came in 2012, when she was nominated by members of the classes she leads and ran the Olympic Torch through Sheffield. Also, in 2012, she won a prize at the World Congress in Active Ageing for her talk on implementing physical activity theory into practice – a presentation about using research to inform content and form of the classes she leads for people affected by Parkinson’s.

    In 2015, she received a Fellowship of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy for her work with Parkinson’s and older people. Bhanu received an OBE for services to physiotherapy in the 2016 Queen’s 90th Birthday Honours List, and in 2017, was awarded a Fellowship of the University of Cardiff, her alma mater.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • A Life to be Lived

  • Mark Sanderson

    "I was born in South Africa and moved to the UK when I was aged 19. I worked as a chef and was successful in this career, working in Michelin starred restaurants, until my dreams of being ‘the best chef in the world’ were somewhat overridden by my experience of psychosis.

    During my last psychiatric inpatient admissions in 2015, I came across my local hearing voices group, Eleanor Longdens’ video ‘the voices in my head’ and an amazing nursing assistant. I found comfort in the way all three seemed to understand the experiences I was having; this gave me courage to take ownership of and make much needed changes in my life.

    With the help of Clinical Psychologist, Dr Pete Ord, I found a way of living with my voices, and was given the opportunity to co-deliver training on psychosis to staff working in the inpatient mental health unit where I had been admitted a year earlier.

    Over the years Pete and I have become a bit of a double act where our training is concerned! We have adjusted our training sessions to reflect our personal experiences, incorporated our growing interest in Narrative Therapy, Compassion-Focused Therapy and trauma-informed approaches. We have used this knowledge and learning and applied it into everyday practice with staff employed to serve in mental health and general acute hospital wards, in primary care, community teams, in social care services and police forces.

    Today, I still enjoy cooking, am soon to be married and am busy completing a MSc in Mental Health Recovery and Social Inclusion. I am a keen advocate for peer support and lived experience practice. I hope that my work can provide strength and hope for others who are experiencing their own mental health difficulties and also offer guidance on what has been found to be most helpful for those in professions in a position to offer support."

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Compassion for Voices

  • Nigel Schofield

    Nigel Schofield is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Chartered Psychologist, and has been Head of Specialty, Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology Services to Younger Disabled People in Derby since 1990. He has considerable clinical experience in the general field of physical disability, working primarily with patients suffering from neurological conditions or brain damage, often presenting with complex disabilities, which have physical, cognitive and psychological components. He works in both inpatient and outpatient settings, with his particular area of interest and expertise being in the field of traumatic brain injury. Mr. Schofield has been involved in teaching on aspects of neuropsychology and physical disability to trainees on clinical courses at the University of Leicester and the University of Nottingham, and is still actively doing so at the former. Since taking up his post in Derby Mr. Schofield has been a member of a number of local, regional and national advisory committees, some of which continues.

    Professor Graham N Smith
    GradDipPhys FCSP DIP TP CertEd
    Chartered & HCPC Registered Physiotherapist
    Rehabilitation & Sports Injury Consultant

    Professor Graham N Smith qualified as a Physiotherapist in 1977 and as a teacher of Physiotherapy in 1982. He is currently an independent rehabilitation and sports injury consultant based in Glasgow.

    He has extensive experience in the treatment and management of injuries at all levels of the sporting spectrum and has worked with Glasgow Rangers FC, the British Olympic Team and numerous national representative sporting teams.

    He was also responsible for establishing the Football Association National Rehabilitation and Sports Injury Centre, Lilleshall

    He is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, a Visiting Professor at Chichester University and a Visiting Lecturer on the MSc in Sports Medicine at Trinity College, Dublin.

    He was also one of a small group of international presenters invited to give a workshop at the fifth edition, Olympic academic programme of sport, medicine and sports physiotherapy in the London 2012 Olympic Village.

    He combines his clinical and consultancy roles with lecturing commitments both nationally and Internationally on rehabilitation and sports and musculoskeletal injury management.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Injuries of the Hip and Groin

  • Vaidas Stalioraitis
    Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist, MSc (Curtin University), Fellow of the Australian College of Physiotherapists
    Graduate Entry Master of Physiotherapy (Curtin University), Master of Clinical Manipulative Physiotherapy (Curtin University)
    Certified Mulligan Concept Teacher, Faculty staff member Manual Concepts, Western Australia

    Vaidas has over 20 years working in the field of musculoskeletal physiotherapy. He is a specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist, as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2016, and his particular clinical expertise includes:

    • The management of complex back and neck pain, including headaches
    • Upper and lower limb injuries
    • Persistent musculoskeletal problems.

    What is a Specialist Physiotherapist?
    • A clinician who has achieved the highest level of physiotherapy training competency in Australia
    • A clinician who provides comprehensive reviews and second-opinion reviews for patients who are experiencing disabling musculoskeletal pain despite seeing many health professionals
    • A clinician who provides evidence-based information for patients considering invasive procedures such as surgery or injections, and to provide the best options for individual patient needs.

    The goal for my patients is to:
    • Work with them to understand the causes of their disorder
    • Provide evidence-based care and knowledge of treatment options
    • Develop an individualised treatment program aimed at restoring them to their highest level of function as quickly as possible
    • Provide strategies to help prevent recurrence of their disorder
    • Get them functioning at an optimal level as soon as possible
    • Take the time to understand them and provide the highest standard of care, rather than just treating symptoms.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

  • Certificate in Spinal Manual Therapy (CSMT)

  • Clare Tanner-Tremaine

    Clare qualified as a physiotherapist in 2000. She worked for 10 years in adult neurorehabilitation both here in the UK and abroad (where resources are more limited) before moving to work with children. She has been working with children with neurological and developmental difficulties for 10 years with a specialism in Early Years.

    Clare is currently the chair of the British Association of Bobath Trained Therapists as well as the regional representative for the West Midlands.

    Dee Webster
    Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

    Dee Webster is a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist and currently working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust in community stroke rehabilitation where she also coordinates the Conversation Partners scheme for people with aphasia. She has extensive experience in working with people with acquired communication and swallowing disorders in a variety of clinical settings. She has a strong commitment to evidence-based practice, has written for peer-reviewed publication and is a Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists’ Research Champion.

    She combines her clinical post with an academic role at the University of Sheffield where she works as a University Teacher. Her teaching expertise focuses on acquired disorders and clinical education for undergraduate and postgraduate students and clinicians. She is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

    As an experienced educator and clinician, Dee will use a blended learning approach to engage health and social care professionals. Participants will be invited to reflect on their current perspectives, skills and knowledge and apply new learning and evidence-based techniques to their individual working practices in order to facilitate inclusive, well-supported and accessible conversations with people with aphasia.

    Barbara Wilkinson

    Barbara Wilkinson is qualified as a speech and language therapist and accredited psychotherapist and supervisor. She currently works at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust in stroke rehabilitation, delivering speech and language therapy as well as running a specialist counselling service for people with a communication disability. Her main theoretical orientation is the person-centred approach which emphasises the role of the client as the expert and respects their unique repertoire of communication. She recognises the importance of a flexible, creative stance in order to accommodate their communication needs.

    Barbara will draw upon her years of experience working with people with aphasia and their different communication partners (such as family members, doctors, nurses or friends) to encourage an exploration of personal perspectives and attitudes as well as facilitating the development of a set of well-evidenced techniques to help people with aphasia re-join conversations.

    Fiona Willingham
    Highly Specialist Renal Dietitian

    Fiona graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University in 1997, and has worked as a specialist renal dietitian since 1998. She worked as Clinical Lead Renal Dietitian at University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust from 2004-2020, leading and developing nutrition and dietetic provision to Renal Services. In June 2020 she joined East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust as a Specialist Renal Dietitian. She has a wealth of experience working with patients with all stages of Chronic Kidney Disease, and has particular areas of interest and expertise in pre-dialysis, haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

    She is actively involved in teaching, and was Education Lead for the British Dietetic Association Renal Nutrition Group from 2013-2017. She has worked with the BDA to lead development and updating the Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3-5 Course, and regularly teaches on the course. Fiona is also a Specialist Visiting Lecturer to the Dietetic Programmes at University of Nottingham and Sheffield Hallam University.

    Fiona has also been actively involved in research throughout her career, contributing to several small multidisciplinary research projects. She completed her MSc Nephrology in 2012, and has received several research grants and awards. In 2017 she was awarded a Kidney Research UK Allied Health Professions Fellowship to undertake her PhD at the University of Nottingham, exploring the benefits of exercise, nutritional intervention, and multidisciplinary education upon physical function, nutritional status and quality of life outcomes for patients commencing dialysis. She has contributed to several peer reviewed publications, and is also Research and Audit Lead for the Renal Nutrition Group.

    Trevor Wright

    Trevor was diagnosed at 56 with autism, has an autistic daughter and is a social worker and commissioner with 35 years’ experience of health and social care, from unqualified support worker to Head of Service levels. Since 2020, he has been a freelance autism consultant and trainer contributing to HEE, Skills for Care, ADASS and NHSE projects. ,br>
    He is the Leicestershire ICB Autism Champion, was a Lead Trainer on the OMMT Trial, is currently one of the Oliver McGowan Train the Trainer facilitators and a NHSE Workforce Certificated Trainer.

    Trevor is also a writer with two published poetry collections and has been a writer in residence for older peoples inpatient settings and community writing groups with autistic people. He co-founded the Derby Poetry Festival, is a Writer Trustee of the Nottingham UNESCO city of Literature and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

    Courses affiliated with this trainer are:

    The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and Autism